Wednesday, August 26, 2009

ENG 104 - Thesis Statement Homework

Complete the following thesis statements by adding the specific points, claims or areas of investigation that you think should feature in the essay.

1. The life expectancy of the average person is increasing because of ...
2. Technology is changing our lives in three important areas: ...
3. A teacher must have the following qualities: ...
4. Owning an automobile is a necessity...
5. Poverty has numerous negative consequences for society, including...
6. The main difficulties affecting foreign students at university are...
7. Living together before marriage is becoming increasingly popular for three main reasons: ...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Australia passes Renewable Energy Bill

Australia joined what is fast becoming the new global standard in declaring that 20% of their country's power will now be come from renewable sources. Should we be looking towards making a similar decision as a territory?

Read the details Here.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Welcome to my new students and welcome back to the veterans. Hope you guys have a great semester, remember to stay focused.