Your second Rogerian assignment is pulled from today's news on a popular local online news center. Choose one of the following on which to base a Rogerian Argument.
1. Click hereto read an article on burglary in our community and the main offenders. Using Invention and Hegelian Logic, construct an argument based on the given Background and Exigence. Be sure to pursue research to support your arguments.
2. Click here to read an article on the political environment of the Turks and Caicos. After researching these issues to establish your Background and Exigence, use Invention and Hegelian Logic to construct an argument based in the BVI. Be sure to cite sources for support.
This essay is due on March 21. The essay should follow MLA standards (see the links to the MLA guide on this blog): MLA formatting, including a Works Cited page, and in-text citations. This essay is expected to be at least 1,000 words. Outlines should be submitted with the final essay.