Wednesday, February 11, 2009

ENG 125 - Dramatic Presentation Rubric

These are the criteria by which you will be judged.

Sustains audience's attention; Completely prepared, preparation obvious; Expression and body language convey enthusiasm and interest.

Sustains audience's attention; Preparation obvious, but could use extra rehearsal; Expression and body language at times convey enthusiasm and interest.

Intermittently captures audience's attention; Somewhat prepared, but not rehearsed enough; Expression and body language seem contrived.

Does not hold audience's attention; Unprepared, unrehearsed; Expression and body language convey apparent disinterest; Reliant on notes.

Draws direct and clear connection between dialogue/action and theme; Communicate using appropriate literary language; Identifies the use of various dramatic devices when present.

Connection between dialogue/action and theme is made and understood; Some literary terms are employed to explain the text; Various dramatic devices identified.

The connection between dialogue/action and theme is made loosely; Few literary terms are employed to explain the text; Few dramatic devices are identified.

No connection between dialogue/action and theme is made, or is made in an unclear manner; No literary terminology is employed; No dramatic devices are identified.

P.S. Your essay questions for The Tempest are available in my office.

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