Tuesday, February 18, 2014

ENG 105 - Rogerian Outline

ROGERIAN STYLE OUTLINE: (may vary due to the length of your essay… each section shown here can include many more points and supporting details/evidence)

I. Introduction: This should be a detailed definition of the exigence and rhetorical situation.

II. The body of the paper begins with a classification and division of Side A and Side B.

A. This introduces the con position of the debate. (OPPOSITION)

1. This should be the first major issue to support the ‘opposing side’
a. This is a minor detail supporting number '1'.
b. This is a second minor detail supporting number '1'.

2. This is the second major detail to support the ‘opposing side’
a. This is a minor detail supporting number '2'.
b. This is a second minor detail supporting number '2'.


B. This introduces the ‘proposition’ of the debate. (YOUR SIDE)

1. This should be the first major issue to support the ‘pro side’
a. This is a minor detail supporting number '1'.
b. This is a second minor detail supporting number '1'.

2. This is the second major detail to support the ‘pro side’
c. This is a minor detail supporting number '2'.
d. This is a second minor detail supporting number '2'.


C. This particular section compares and contrasts the issues in order
to highlight the differences between the pro and opposing position (can use the
information from the two sides in the sections above)

1. This might begin with a sentence stating a pro position.
2. The following might point out a con position.
3. The next point might refute a previous claim.
4. The next point might restate a position.

III. Drawing a conclusion.
It should recount the highlights of the argument, but it draws a logical conclusion or compromise. See the example essay you read in your text – Obesity Lawsuits by Nancy Hall. For more material see the Youtube video we watched in class as well as a lengthier guide here.

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