Thursday, February 12, 2009

ENG 105 - Debate Rules, Rubric, and Etiquette

So folks, we should be preparing for the debate on Monday.
"Is the cause of crime social or individual?"

I will adjust the format of the debate for the future to ensure that it is more reflective of participation and contribution from non-debating group members. This may be done by making smaller groups for the next one. Both selected members must have an equal presentation load.

The format that we shall be employing is as follows:

Opening Statement - Each team shall begin with a 3-5 minute opening statement about the rhetorical situation. There is no restriction on the creativity of the format used. However, the main claim must be introduced, as well as the line of reasoning (for eg. syllogistic argument based on premises).

Presentation of Support - Each team will provide support for the main claim through supporting claims and specific evidence. This should be given in two to three minutes. Each team will have two opportunities to present support.

Questions and Answers - Debate teams must be prepared to respond to questions from the audience. Approx. five minutes.

Counterargument - Each team will directly respond to a claim made by their opponents to either refute, concede, or qualify their own argument. Where refutations are attempted, direct evidence is expected in order to disprove the opponent. A minute conference will be allowed before the counterarguments begin. Two minutes will be allowed for teams to make their counterarguments.

Debate Etiquette:
No put downs or insults
Raise your hand during the Q&A session
Interruptions from a member of your team will cost your team 1 point
Whispering or talking while someone has the floor will cost your team 1 point

Click here for the rubric by which this debate will be graded.

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